Harvest Aroma Oil 50ml
Blackberry, rose, jasmine, apple.
Pure essential oils evoke the rambling romanticism of the English countryside.
Blackberry and grapefruit bring a tart sweetness and a vivid sense of energy, like waking amidst rumpled, crisp sheets feeling beautifully well-rested. Middle notes of rose and jasmine are intense yet calming. The lingering apple base note leaves only the lightest of footprints for an invigorating sense of freshness.
Hedgerows, thick with flowers. Blackberry brambles tangled and woven amongst the acid-bright greenery. The sound of your own footsteps match the beat of a songbird’s wings. You pluck an apple, straight from its branch and revel in the decadence of its juices dripping down your chin.
How to use
Recommend to use with Luna Waterless Diffuser and/or Lander Car Diffuser.